August 19, 2010

Akif & his ball...He dribbles at 10 months old!

*Sorry for the poor video quality. Taken using my handphone as i didn't want to miss the 'star' while he was in action ;))

Akif learned to walk sooner than his two brothers, Kimi & Hafiy. Both Kimi & Hafiy walked after they blew their first birthday candle. Akif took his first step at 10 months old. Looks like someone just doesn't want to be left behind when his brothers go duit raya hunting this coming Eid. Heheheh


  1. salam perkenalan harap sudi jadi kawan saya ya walaupun hanya kat alam maya. saya follow awak ya

  2. Salam Melor :)
    A pleasure to be a your virtual friend &
    TQ sudi follow saya



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