Though the topic was Myths in Breastfeeding, the discussion was more on how to manage the myths. Byk sgt myth..antaranya banyak sangat pam akan menyebabkan susu kering, bayi lelaki lebih kuat minum dari bayi perempuan, susu breast kanan makanan dan susu breast kiri minuman, BM kalau tak diminum terlalu lama ( atau tak pam out) akan masam dll. Normally this myths comes from our elder i.e grandmother, mother, mother in law. So to simply answer without knowing the right facts would make make it hard especially for new mothers. Coincidently, an experinced mommy has written about all the myths she could think of. To read about them, please visit ibufarish's blog here and here.
Here are the pictures at the SGM..
Group Mama Kamariah
Mommies who came
Liza of Snuggbaby representing Malaysian Babyweares explaining on the Safety in babywearing
Mommies from the MBW
Demo on how to wear the Wrap
Can't wait for the next SGM :)
Jom kita pergi ramai-ramai...